Showing posts with label power stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power stone. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 August 2013


Todays blog is a hodgepodge of different things; things I found, made and inspire me.

Collection of things, waiting to get put into work. From left to right: tail feathers from a North Holland Blue rooster, earrings (which are finished, but inspiring), beads with seeds, feather shaped pendants.

A dead bumblebee, found in the garden. I put it on this piece of wood, with pins around his body, so it will dry with his paws and antennas in the right position.

A Pachnoda marginata peregrina, which I found in an old terrarium where they used to live in. It was completely dried, but unfortunately it missed it's paws and antennas. It's still a wonderful creature, though.

Last week, I worked on several new power stones (also see my previous post about power stones). 

This one has a mole in the front, which stands for contact with Earths energy, knowledge about herbs, roots, seeds and rivers and love expressed in nature. Brown is obviously the color of earth and contains beneficial energy. The symbol on the other side is the basic element of earth.

This stone has a spider with its web in the front. The spider stands for wisdom, creativity and inspiration. The web is added, because spiders are master weavers. Yellow stands for wisdom and creativity, purple for spirituality. The symbol on the other side is from the American Natives and means wisdom.

Last but not least, a power stone with the bee. The bee stands for prosperity, reincarnation, communication with spirits and concentration. The blue color stands for truth, sincerity, spirituality and calmness. The bee also connects with the goddess Diana. The symbol on the other side of the stone is from the American Natives, and means happiness.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

The power of stones

As long as I can remember, I am very interested in other peoples cultures, especially their religions. I am very fascinated and inspirated by all those several beliefs, and you can see it in my work (also see my previous post). Today, I worked on serveral 'power stones', which are shamanistic power objects. Maybe the word 'shaman' makes you think of the Native Americans, but there are many more people in the world which are connected to shaman belief.

Back to the stones. I used animals with the shaman meaning of each animal in mind, and combined it with the connecting colors. I also used ancient Celtic symbols.

Three finished stones. A turtoise with an orange background, because orange is a healing color, and a tortoise stands for healing, too. A white owl on the small stone, because white stands for pureness and an owl for silence, so that connects. The yellow stone has the Mother Goddess on it, which stands for creation. The spiral stands for growth and life, what connects with the green color. The yellow symbolizes wisdom.

The back of the stones. The triple spiral is a sign of female power an growth. The Celtic cross on the yellow stone symbolizes faith, trust and spiritual love and connects with the purple colour, which stands for peace of mind and meditation.

This is the small owl compared to my forefinger. Pretty small, isn't it?